
Jun Hirouchi - Japan
Zhiping Luo - China
Helen Whitehead - UK
Laura Fabbiano - France
Edith Amoakie Amoatey - Ghana
Viktoria Herzner - Austria

Key Contacts in Relevant Countries

National Societies Young Generation Networks

Across the world there are a number of National Radiation Protection Young Generation Networks. The IRPA YGN encourages the communication and collaboration of these networks both between themselves and our members.

A brief description of the networks is provided below, along with a relevant contact. Should your YGN not be featured and you wish to get it added to the list please contact: takahikorower1@gmail.com.


Professional Body Name: Society for Radiological Protection

YGN Network Name: Rising Generation Group

Description of the Network and Key Activities

The UK SRP Rising Generations Group was founded in 2010 and is now 230 members strong. RGG run a number of initiatives designed to aid early career professionals, such as:

  • A mentoring scheme, whereby less experienced RP professionals are matched with senior colleagues in a similar field in order to gain advice and guidance;
  • Regular events on putting together your RPA/ RWA portfolio;
  • A special edition newsletter just for RGG members;
  • Opportunities to network with other early career professionals;
  • An annual social event at the RGG Dinner;
  • A chance to win the RGG Best Presentation Award at the Annual Conference, etc.

Links to the RGG social media feeds can be found here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/srprgg/
Twitter: @SRP_RGG

Key Contact



Professional Body Name: La Société Française de Radioprotection (SFRP)

YGN Network Name: Youth Club

Description of the Network and Key Activities

The Youth Club has been rebooted by SFRP in 2016 after some years of inactivity. The Club gathers young professionals of less than 35, coming from various professional backgrounds, and motivated to discuss and exchange about various topics of radiation protection, at national and international scale, and also to promote the sector.

As such, one of the key missions of the Youth Club is to develop and ease possibilities of exchanges and networking between young professionals working in radiation protection, to favour and support their skill improvement (notably via the planning of Scientific Days) and to build constructive partnerships at national and international scales.

Further details can be found on our webpage:

Key Contact

Mrs. Valerie Chambrette (Managing Director of the SFRP)


Professional Body Name: Japan Health Physics Society

YGN Network Name: Young Researchers Association

Description of the Network and Key Activities

The Young Researchers Association (YRA) of Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS) was established in 1987 by 7 volunteer members. As of April 2018, YRA was composed of approximately 40 researchers and engineers younger than 35 years old from various universities, research institutes and private companies. These members specialize in radiation protection, radiation measurement, and environmental radioactivity, etc. We have mainly 3 goals, firstly to exchange information and discuss latest knowledge via workshops and e-mails; secondly, to engage in educational and outreach activities on radiation to the public, and thirdly to cultivate domestic and international relationship with young people of other scientific bodies.

1) Study session: We have held on study sessions such as radiation measurement, dose evaluation, environmental radioactivity and even risk communication.

2) Outreach activity: We have ever taken part in Chiba city science festa that motivates children to learn science since 2010. Our exhibition in 2017 is as follows;

  • Measurement of radiation in environmental samples
  • Experience of radioactive pollution investigation using radiation survey meters
  • Observation of the radiation track using a cloud chamber

Website and Facebook are shown as follows

HP: http://www.jhps.or.jp/wakate/english.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wakate.jhps/

Key Contact

Dr Noriaki Kataoka (Chair of YRA)

Germany and Switzerland

Professional Body Name: Fachverband für Strahlenschutz

Description of the Network and Key Activities

We are the delegates.

We organize the integration of young people into the annual conferences of our association. There they can present their theses and ongoing work, receive valuable advice from experienced colleagues and network with other experts of their research field.

Appearances on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter keep the members of our association up to date about all occurrences in our field of work in Germany, Switzerland and beyond.

We also work closely together with the training workgroup of Fachverband für Strahlenschutz and will inform about pathways to the different fields in radiation protection in a special issue of our association’s quarterly journal, the StrahlenschutzPRAXIS.

Website and Facebook are shown as follows

HP: https://fs-ev.org/der-fs/nachwuchsbetreuung/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Fachverband.Strahlenschutz/

Key Contacts

Felix Buttig, Lukas Becker, Joel Piechotka and Julius Vogt, fs-nachwuchs@fs-ev.org

South Korea

Professional Body Name: KARP (Korean Association for Radiation Protection)

YGN Network Name: YSG (Young Scientist Group)

Description of the Network and Key Activities

The KARP YSG was organized in 2017 by the suggestion of the organizing committee under the KARP. The aim of this group is not only to encourage the involvement of Korean young professionals and scientists in the field of radiation protection, but also to contribute to correct understanding of the radiation risk to human body to members of public. The KARP YSG is composed of more than 50 members from various fields such as research institutes, universities, hospitals and companies. Under the KARP YSG, five sub-groups were established such as (1) radiation protection philosophy, (2) radiation measurement and dosimetry, (3) radiation epidemiology, (4) radiation protection in medicine, and (5) radiation emergency management. Our key activities are as followings:

  • Hosting periodic technical meeting and workshop on radiation protection
  • Development of new strategic research agenda in which the young scientists can be involved.
  • Supporting education and training programmes on radiation protection
  • Cooperation with other young professional groups (e.g. IRPA YGN, JHPS YRA, etc.)

Key Contact

Jeongin Kim (Chairperson of YSG)


Professional Body Name: China Institute for Radiation Protection (CIRP)

YGN Network Name: China Society of Radiation Protection-Youth Committee (CSRP-YC)

Description of the Network and Key Activities

Full description by clicking here

Key Contact

Dr. Qiu Rui, Tsinghua University


Professional Body Name: Spanish Society for Radiological Protection (Sociedad Española de Protección Radiológica, SEPR)

YGN Network Name: Youth Club of the Spanish Society for Radiological Protection (J-SEPR)

Description of the Network and Key Activities

The Youth Club of the Spanish Society for Radiological Protection (J-SEPR) was established in 2017 by volunteer members from industrial, sanitary, research, academic and environmental radioactivity sectors involved in Radiation Protection (RP). The main goals of the J-SEPR are:

  • Provide innovative ideas to the SEPR Commissions and learn from them.
  • Increase the presence and activity of young professionals in the SEPR:
    publication in the “Radioprotección” Journal, collaboration in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), collaboration in the organization of SEPR and IRPA congresses, etc.
  • Organize and promote training courses on RP among the young population and professionals.
  • Promote a contest to the best Final Degree or Master project related to RP.
  • Disseminate employment and promote grants in the RP field.
  • Networking: with national, European and International RP associations, RP working groups, etc.

Our website (J-SEPR) and social media accounts (SEPR) are shown as follows

HP: https://www.sepr.es/organizacion/jovenes-sepr/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sociedadespanola.proteccionradiologica/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SocEspPR?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sociedad-espa%C3%B1ola-de-protecci%C3%B3n-radiol%C3%B3gica-3b000281/

Key Contacts

Dr Marina Sáez (Vicepresident of J-SEPR), masaemuo@etsii.upv.es, jovenes@sepr.es