In March 2023 and following a question from the Japanese Health Physics Society (JHPS), the IRPA YGN conducted a mini-survey about the available international internship and scholarship programmes in radiation protection. The survey was disseminated among the IRPA YGN Leadership during one week. The data collected are available here.
The IRPA YGN have been invited by the EUTERP Foundation to make a presentation to the ETRAP2021 conference. The topic of the Young Generation and Social Media was proposed and the IRPA YGN run a survey on this topic.
The first elements from the survey have been presented at the conference in March 2021 at the Looking Forward Session. A more complete analysis of the date will be made by a dedicated working group during the year 2021.
The IRPA YGN has worked very hard to publish the result of the survey in the Journal of Radiological Protection. Please check here to know more about the usage of social media and on-line learning by the young generation in radiation protection.
In 2020, six national young generation networks competed for the best Identity Card that present their activities in a comprehensive and photogenic manner. The Austrian contribution won the contest, very shortly followed by the Japanese contribution. Many thanks to all!
The ID Cards are available here: Austria, Japan, Spain, China, Argentina and France.
The IRPA YGN initiated the collections and sharing of testimonies on the impacts of the Covid-19 on the continuity of RP. Thirty testimonies have been collected from March to May 2020 and an IRPA YGN working group elaborated a synthesis, that have been later translated. Later on, the Spanish Club J-SEPR has initiated a comparable survey in 2021 and published it in Radioprotection.
The synthesis is available in English, Spanish, Japanese and German.
The IRPA15 is postponed to January 2021. The programme of activities proposed by the Leadership Committee is planned to remains the same (see the flyer). Looking forward to see you there!
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The NEA programme committee was keen to include the views of the young generation to this event and sent an appeal to the IRPA YGN. This document provides a synthesis of the IRPA YGN implication.
The purpose of this joint JHPS-SRP-KARP Workshop of YGN is to encourage the active participation of young professionals and promote the interaction of YGN to help them establish mentoring in their area of interest. Programme under construction.
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The IRPA YGN will be officially launching at the 2018 IRPA European Congress at The Hague. To celebrate its launch, we will be hosting the following events:
After La Habana, Melbourne and The Hague and JHSP Annual Conference (Sapporo, Japan), the IRPA YGN will be introduced in a new continent with at AFRIRPA-5 Congress. The event will be also the opportunity for young professionals and scientists to meet together, network and discuss about the future.
The event will give attendees the opportunity to meet a combination of Young Professionals and Students from across Europe and the wider world.
As part of the event a number of short (5 – 10 minute) presentations will be given from representatives of National Radiation Protection YGN, such as France, the UK, Austria and Spain, about the work of their networks.
In addition, the IRPA YGN Leadership Team will deliver a short introductory presentation about the IRPA YGN and its mission going forward.
For further details please email: Sylvain Andresz at
The presentation and a synthesis are available as pdf.
Many thanks to the speakers!
The launch of the IRPA YGN will also be celebrated with its introductory presentation at the 5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOCRP-5) in Melbourne, right before the 2018 IRPA European Congress. The participants in this session can see the current situation of young professionals and their local networks in the field of radiation protection in Asian and Oceanian countries such as Japan, Korea, China and Australia.
The wave of young generation is spreading to Asia and Oceania as well as Europe!
For further details please email: Akihiro Sakoda at
The presentation and a synthesis are available as pdf.
Many thanks to the speakers!