IRPA 1 Rome (1966)

The First International Congress of Radiation Protection, sponsored by the newly formed International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) was held in Rome, September 5-10, 1966. The technical programme was outstanding in quality, thoroughly international in scope, and included papers in every major subject category of radiation protection. The Provisional Council of IRPA decided that the proceedings of the Congress would be a useful repository of the studies reported at the Congress as well as a permanent record of the technical level of the subject area at this time and, therefore, arranged to make them available to Congress registrants and to the general public. The Council is indebted to Pergamon Press for its cooperation and fine performance in realizing this goal.

The papers have been arranged by sessions, thus preserving the continuity established by the Programme Committee. Abstracts of all papers presented orally or read by title are included for each session. If a rapporteur paper was given, it has been included, when available, in the belief that the rapporteur's evaluation and comparisons of the papers he reviewed add considerably to the value of the individual papers. It has not been possible to provide translations of papers or abstracts in all the official languages of the Congress. Thus the arrangements of the papers follows closely that of the Scientific Programme, and these proceedings may serve as a permanent memorial of the excellent organization of this Congress.

- Excerpt from the Proceedings Preface by IRPA Publications Director Walter S. Snyder


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Cover and copyright page

Table of Contents and Preface

Papers in Part 1

Papers in Part 2