Strategic Plan
(Adopted at the 59th Executive Council, Paris, France, October 2009, revised at the 60th Executive Council, Nairobi, Kenya, October 2010)
IRPA is the international professional association for radiation protection. It promotes excellence in the practice of radiation protection through national and regional Associate Societies and radiation protection professionals by providing benchmarks of good practice and enhancing professional competence and networking. It promotes the application of the highest standards of professional conduct, skills and knowledge for the benefit of individual and society.
IRPA is recognized by its members, stakeholders and the public as the international voice of the radiation protection profession in the enhancement of radiation protection culture and practice worldwide.
1. Promote excellence in the conduct of IRPA
Task 1 In accordance with the revised constitution (2008), develop rules and procedures to ensure the conduct of excellent and effective IRPA congresses.
• Ensures a smooth operation of regional and the International Congresses.
• Promotes the transfer of information to future International Congresses.
Task 2 Develop a scheme for the future support of IRPA activities.
2. Promote excellence in national and regional associate societies
Task 3 Develop a position paper on the subject of an effective society to assist Associate Societies to promote excellence in the practice of radiation protection.
Task 4 Develop an action plan for expending the membership of IRPA that:
• Identifies radiation protection groups that participated in IRPA 12 but that do not belong to affiliated societies;
• Explores their potential for becoming Associate Societies;
• Proposes a mechanism for IRPA Associate Societies to provide mentors to them;
• Establishes priorities for countries and regions.
3. Promote excellence in radiation protection professionals
Task 5 Develop an IRPA Strategy Plan on education and training activities.
Task 6 Promote and support the development of guidance documents for use by radiation protection professionals and Associate Societies.
• Develop a draft guidance document on radiation protection culture by 2012.
• Solicit Associate Societies for the development of guidance for professional qualification.
• Assist radiation protection professionals and Associate Societies to provide feedback of their experiences using the IRPA guidance documents.
4. IRPA is recognized by its members and stakeholders as the international voice of the radiation protection profession
Task 7 Prepare a document on the criteria for engaging IRPA with its members, Associate Societies, international and professional organizations and society as a whole including:
• What IRPA is, such as:
i) independent
ii) network of societies
• What IRPA does, such as:
i) promote effective societies,
ii) promote professionalism
iii) promote standards for individual members
iv) promote effective communication on goals
v) promote feedback
vi) promote professional and scientific education
vii) promote networking among radiation professionals
• What IRPA provides, such as:
i) professional enhancement for members
ii) resources on radiation protection
Task 8 Develop collaborative arrangements with international organizations to improve radiation protection worldwide.
Task 9 Prepare a paper on the evolution of the publication and communication policy.