
How is IRPA funded?

IRPA is funded primarily through annual dues paid by Associate Societies. These dues are based on the number of members of each Society, and are approved by the General Assembly.

According to the Constitution, Other sources of income "may include grants, gifts, and the proceeds from publications, IRPA Congresses and other international meetings". In practice, the only significant source of income other than dues is income from those IRPA Congresses that do well financially.

What is the role of the IRPA Treasurer?

The Treasurer is an officer of the Executive Council. Duties include:

  • Managing IRPA accounts;
  • Collecting membership dues;
  • Paying bills within the budget or as approved by the Executive Council;
  • Preparing a financial statement for the period between IRPA International Congresses that is submitted to the General Assembly; and,
  • Prepaing a budget for each period between IRPA International Congresses.

How are good financial practices assured?

The Constitution requires that IRPA accounts, and accounts of IRPA International Congresses, are "audited or independently reviewed by a suitably qualified person according to the usual practices of the country". The Executive Council is required to "consider each auditor’s or reviewer’s report to decide whether any of the activities or procedures of the Association require modification". The annual reports of the auditor or reviewer are presented to the General Assembly at each IRPA International Congress.

Proposed budgets, prepared by the Treasurer, are sent to Associate Societies at least 12 months before each IRPA International Congress, requesting feedback. The final budget is approved by the General Assembly.

Financial Documents

 Summary of IRPA Finances 2012-2016.pdf   2018-09-17
 Differential Fees Policy (July 2018).pdf   2018-08-07