IRPA 13 - Glasgow  >   Papers, Presentations and Posters

Papers, Presentations and Posters

All available papers, presentations and posters (including audio where available) are published in this section. They are arranged within the 12 Topic Areas, as identified below. Each Topic Area includes the relevant Plenary Sessions, Key Issue Discussion Sessions (KIDS), Symposia, Fora (i.e. sessions in cooperation with other international organisations), Technical Sessions (submitted papers for oral presentation) and Posters.

The Topic Areas are as follows:

1. Biological and Health Effects of Ionising Radiation

2. Measurements and Dosimetry

3. Radiation Protection System Development and Implementation

4. Stakeholder Engagement and Involvement

5. Non-Ionising Radiation

6. Planned Exposure Situations: Industry and Research

7. Planned Exposure Situations: Medicine

8. Planned Exposure Situations: Radioactive Waste Management

9. Emergency Exposure Situations

10. Existing Exposure Situations

11. Protection of the Environment


12. The Fukushima Accident