Area 6: Technical Sessions
TS6a: RP Issues in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle |
TS6a.1 |
Updating the UNSCEAR Methodology for Estimating Human Exposures due to Radioactive Discharges. C Robinson |
TS6a.2 |
Radiation Protection Aspects of Water Chemistry and Source-Term Management with a view of an ISOE Expert Group. A Rocher |
TS6a.3 |
An Update on the UK Generic Design Process for Potential Nuclear New Build Reactors - the AREVA EPR and the Westinghouse AP1000. K Allars |
TS6a.4 |
Radiological Protection Aspects of the Generic Design Assessment of Potential New Nuclear Reactors in the UK. G Ingham |
TS6a.5 |
The Evaluation of the Radiological Impact for a New Nuclear Facility on a Multi-facility Site. H Seals |
TS6a.6 |
Assessment Of The Impact On The Irish Public Arising From Liquid Discharges From Potential New Build Power Plants In The United Kingdom. K Kelleher |
TS6a.7 |
Industrial Radiography at Nuclear Power Plants. B Ekstrom |
TS6b: Decommissioning
Ts6b.1 |
Radiation Protection during Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities – Experiences and Challenges. J Kaulard |
TS6b.2 |
Radiological Protection During the Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities. T Ortiz |
TS6b.3 |
Harwell’s Liquid Effluent Treatment Plant: Past, Present and Future Challenges in Radiation Protection. G Gallacher |
TS6b.4 |
Pharmaceutical-Producing Cyclotron Characterization, Removal, and Disposition. E Gillenwalters |
TS6b.5 |
Final Radiological Release of the Radiochemical Laboratory at the Joint Research Centre in Ispra. D Giuffrida |
TS6c: NORM in Mining and Industry
Ts6c.1 |
Radiation Protection Challenges for Exposures to Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). P Haridasan |
TS6c.2 |
Estimates of Effective Doses Among Czech Uranium Miners . L Tomasek |
TS6c.3 |
Problems Experienced when dealing with the Decommissioning of NORM Contaminated Oil Production Installations and Vessels. B Heaton |
TS6c.4 |
Dose Assessments Uncertainties for NORM Management in Conventional Hazardous Waste Disposals. J Mora |
TS6c.5 |
A Prospective Radiological Risk Assessment for a Phosphate Industry Project. D da Costa Lauria |
TS6c.6 |
Radioactivity in Raw Materials and Waste from NORM industries in China. J Luo |
Ts6d: Non-nuclear Industry, Research, Transport and Security
TS6d.1 |
WNTI Perspective on the Transport of Radioactive Materials. G Owen |
TS6d.2 |
Improving the Security of Radioactive Sources in Industrial Radiography in South East Asia. A Popp |
TS6d.3 |
Search for Non-registered Radioactive Sources - an Important Part of the National Inspection Programme. H Janzekovic |
TS6d.4 |
Radiation Safety at the PRIMA facility: A Review of Shielding Solutions and Personnel Dose Assessment. S Sandri |
TS6d.5 |
Current Practice of Occupational Radiation Protection in Industrial Radiography. J Le Heron |
TS6d.6 |
Probabilistic Radiological Risk Assessments for Radiation Facilities with Vague Information. H Jang |
TS6d.7 |
The Safety Case for Transporting Spent Nuclear Fuel. C Kros |